Wednesday 7 December 2011

How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

In our music video and ancillary products we wanted to portray Eve as a sophisticated and versatile artist. By producing the work we did, i feel we achieved this successfully. When creating my ancillary product, i wanted it to relate to and create a similar impression to that of our music video, considering we carried our A2 product on from Emma's AS coursework, i feel i have grown to know Eve T as an artist and feel i am able to create products which i think represent her well. In relation the digipack and magazine advert, i wanted to depict Eve T as glamorous and sophisticated, which i why i stuck to a classy colour scheme which i carried on from my AS coursework, when creating the ancillary tasks i made many mock ups which i had to analyse and see which one i thought would represent Eve the most realistically.

When creating my magazine advert, i found that my draft was very weak, and after receiving very helpful, yet constructive criticism, i worked on the elements which were the weakest and tried my best to create the most professional looking advert i could. I also used the same colour scheme in my magazine advert as i did in my digipack, i thought this would create an element of continuity between the products. In relation to the music video, i think my ancillary products represent Eve T in the way which i intended to do initially, from the beginning, Emma and myself had different ideas of what we wanted to do with the digipack, backing away from our inspiration Ellie Goulding's dance genre, i chose to go interpret Eve in a different genre to the song 'Animal', her album Entourage features songs from different genre's and not just dance, i feel this creates a good contrast between the songs and shows the audience that Eve T is a versatile artist.

On the digipack cover, Eve T is wearing a faux leopard print fur coat, which i thought worked well considering the name of her new single was 'Animal', also, the images i chose to use in my digipack were ones which i felt would conform well to the 'male gaze' theory, in my feedback i was told that my cover image was a brilliant image to use for the kind of product i wanted to produce, but because the image i used suited perfectly, this also put my other chosen images under scrutiny, and i had to change them to ones which complimented Eve's flawless looks and looked good with the cover image. Because the image i used was such a good picture, we referred to it many times when filming our music video in relation to close ups etc.

Though the music video can be mistaken for the dance genre, the magical element which runs throughout the song help reduce the stereotypical element of dance music and creates a more dream-like feel to the song, which is also represented through the lyrics in the certain 'magical' aspects of the song. Hopefully the structure and style of our chosen song would appeal to a wider audience, this is definately a hard thing to do when creating a music video as people's judgement can be based on the appearance of the artist, luckily, our chosen artist is one which is very attractive and has the perfect dress sense to which we wanted to be featured in the video.

Overall, i think the combination of our main product and ancillary products work well together and help represent Eve in the initial way i intended.

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