Friday 9 December 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In relation to feedback, most of the feedback that we have actually had has been very positive. The feedback on our pitch was the best we had in terms of positivity and less scrutiny as the initial idea obviously appealed to alot of people in the room. As research and planning went on, obviously we recived more constructive critisism so it helped us to try and improve on aspects that people thought were weaker than others.

For our video we received a very mixed range of feedback, the lowest mark we recived was 4/10 which we thought was a little bit uncalled for! The majority of feedback we received though was good and people had picked up on points which they thought could have gone a little bit smoother than what they did in the video which was fine, e.g. 'the editing is too fast paced' and 'the lip syncing doesn't match perfectly', in terms of the editing being too fast paced, from the start we has the idea that we wanted to create a video that had fast paced editing in it to go with the pace of the music, the genre was dance/ hip-hop which generally isn't slow music, and we thought that the pace of the song and certain parts of it would suit having very fast paced editing.

In our draft, there weren't many shots which lead our feedback not to be very detailed as there wasn't much to evaluate. One aspect which was picked up on many times was the frequent use of extremely quick shots, looking back the shots are very quick but due to the issues we had when trying to film we hadn't got much to work with for the draft. Considering the few issues we had with our artist, we ended up having to sacrifice one of our locations, which was the field, and due to being cancelled on last minute there were also occasions where we were at the location and we had a phone call saying that they couldn't make it, this pu us at a disadvnatage as we didn't have as many shots as we would have liked in order to complete our video to it's full potential.

When we were evaluating peers work in class not to long ago, everyone received feedback and a mark out of 10 for their music video. Apart from a select few our video recived mostly 7 and 8/10 which we were very happy about, some of the comments from our peers included how they liked the contrast of effects which we included in our video, and the range of shots that we had and how good they were, overall we were very happy with out feedback apart from 3/4 people that gave us a 4/10. Thankfully not one person said that they didn't like our video, which is good considering that the genre we picked wasn't for everyone.

In our draft feedback these were the main points picked up on by Mr Ford-
- The shot variety is good but they are too fleeting.
- It's hard to discern whether Eve is supposed to be happy or sad.
- Lip syncing is out in some clips.
- 18 looks like a continuity error.
- She looks slightly awkward in some clips.
Looking back at the draft now i can fully understand were he was coming from in terms of Eve looking awkward in some clips and whether she was happy or sad, all of these comments we took on board and worked on them when editing our final video. In regards of the shot variety being too fleeting, referring back to my comment in the above paragraphs, we didn't have enough of the correct shots to put into our draft video and therefor had to use ones which acted as a substitute whilst we organised to meet up with Eve again. Considering these comments Mr Ford had some good points to say about our video which made us more positive in terms of the range of shots and the locations etc. We worked on all of the aspects which he picked up on and tried to produce the most professional looking music video we could.

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