Sunday 10 July 2011

A2 induction task four

Why did you choose the text you are analysing?
- They all come from various genres and they are all sung by artists i like and had interesting videos and lyrics.

In what context did you encounter it?
- The internet- YouTube, TV etc.

Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text?
-Electro Pop, Indie Rock, Smooth Jazz

To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?
-All texts stretch by using the known conventions, instruments, technology etc.

What sort of Audience did you feel that the video was aimed at? (and how typical was this of the genre/style of music?)
-All the audiences it applies to. Wombats-Indie Katy Perry- Pop Paolo Nuitini- Jazz

What sort of person does it assume you are?
-The genre of the music played, Indie etc.

What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?
-There are always alot of assumptions made when someone releases a song, they have to take into account what class, age, gender and ethnicity they are to make sure they don't offend and that the song will be a success!

What interests does it assume you have?
-Generally the same as everyone else who likes the same genres, there are so many generalisations and stereotypes made against people who like a particular genre of music.

What relevance does the text actually have for you?
-None, but the lyrics are intriguing and interesting to listen to.

What knowledge is taken for granted?
-That not everyone is the same, everyone has different personalities even though they like the same genre of music.

To what extent do you resemble the 'ideal reader' that the video seeks to position you as?
-Not to a great extent, but i can be stereotyped like most people.

What responses does the video seem to expect from you?
-Good responses, as the artists wouldn't release a song if they didn't think it was going to be successful, the songs are all good.

How open to negotiation is your response? (are you invited, instructed of coerced to respond in particular ways?)
-Very open, i don't feel like i should be pressured into any particular style of response.

Is there any penalty for not responding in the expected ways?
No, but some people would find it offensive to respond differently to others, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and not everyone is going to like every song that their favourite artist/band releases.

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