Tuesday 26 July 2011

How to portray Eve...

I've created some ideas, mixed up some fonts and had a trial attempt at how an advertisement would look like...

Before doing the photo shoot with Eve (hopefully in the next week), I wanted to figure out more ideas for it i.e. poses, look and image and I also wanted to learn more about advertisements. By knowing what I want out of an advertisement I can then go to the photo shoot prepared with the exact image in my head of what I want and how it will come across to my audience. 

My initial inspiration is Ellie Goulding so I had a look at some of her album covers. A continuous theme throughout them is this ‘sparkly light’ effect that I really liked. It’s something that doesn’t relate directly to one genre so I can fit it around my artist and her personality too. Through research I found that the common features of a single release advertisement consists of the Artist name, the song, the release date and sometimes some reviews. What I’ve come up with isn’t a set design because I’m still yet to research further and found out what really works as an advertisement. I’ve used three pictures that I took in my AS coursework that I felt were simple pictures that would fit what I was aiming to make (as a practice). However by using them I realised that neither of them portray the style and the ‘developed’ artist that Eve now is. In each of the pictures I edited them and brought in the lights to see if it was something that would work. As a first attempt I feel that the result is OK, however I’m not too sure yet if the lights would maybe downgrade my advertisement as in some ways it can come across unprofessional. I did however get an idea of the kind of pose I would like. I preferred the long shots rather to the mid microphone shot, as with long shots you can show off personality, style (long shot reveals clothes) and also there’s more opportunity for different ways to pose. I think Eve would look good in her glamorous, stylish clothes that is a theme I’ve carried through since I made my magazine. 

Also by looking at Ellie Goulding’s ‘Animal’ cover I feel that I too should add an element of ‘animal’ in there, however not the claw effect that Ellie has. I think I can create this animal element through facial expression and her body language instead. This is when I started looking back at artists such as Kesha who portrays her personality through her body language in photo shoots– however I’m staying clear from her clothing style. Kesha was also someone I looked at for inspiration in AS so I’m carrying that through too.
The first picture I edited (due to choice of clothing) however it’s a forward, confident and dominant pose and along with the facial expression it portrays a daring ‘animal’ side which is a pose I could consider for Eve. The second photo portrays an ‘animal’ and dominant effect through that hair and makeup especially. This is something I could consider for example, big hair and dark make up for Eve in her photo shoot. Again in the third picture, her hair and her pout portray a less ‘pop’ element to it making it able to be used for a hip hop/dance pose.

Considering the male gaze not only does the luring pose attract male attention but also, it does women due to the clothing Eve wears, her style and also her confidence. I don’t want to portray a party, out of control girl (like Kesha) as it brings upon a lot of negative attention. Instead I want to replace the ‘out of control’ element to it with a glamorous inspirable young woman that the target audience can look up too.

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