Friday 8 July 2011

Music video analysis - Katy

Paoli Nutini- pencil full of lead


Genre Characteristics- Smooth Jazz/Pop e.g the pace and style of music, the instruments used and the unique style of Nutini's voice.

Relationship between Lyrics and Visuals- Dancers match obvious actions and movements to the lyrics being sang. E.g 'Button's to my coat and a sail for my boat' dancers act out unbuttoning a coat and the movement of sails on a boat, there is distinct reference to words shown through actions.

Relationship between Music and Visuals- The music quite obviously dictates the style and pace of the dance routine. E.g Dancers routine is fast paced like the song, the dance routine is not modern and uses steps which look like they were used in the 50's and 60's, which ties in with the genre of the music.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motif's?- Few CU's of Nutini at the very beginning of the song, show's he is made out of clay.

Reference to the notion of looking- all the way throughout the song, Nutini is slapped for acting inappropriately towards a dancer, the camera focuses on the dancers alot during filming, alot on specific body parts aswell, which refers to the constant use of male gaze.

Is the video category illustration, disjuncture or amplification? mostly amplification but the video shows parts of all 3, Nutini is made out of clay in the video which has no reference to the song.
Katy perry California girls

Genre Characteristics- Pop/Electro Pop e.g the use and sound of specific technology/instruments

Relationship between lyrics and visuals? none really in the beginning, mostly towards the end of the song. Katy and dancers are referenced by costumes and lyrics etc.

Relationship between music and visuals? Much more of an obvious relation ship at the end of the song, Katy and dancers are perceived under the male gaze by the use of angles, camera shots and costumes etc.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs? Many close-ups on KP and female dancers, reference to the male gaze. Close up's on body parts, faces etc.

Any reference to the notion of looking? Many references, KP naked on a cloud, many mens idea of 'heaven' reference to male gaze, again. Snoop Dogg refers to an audience throughout the song.

Is the video category illustration, disjuncture or narrative? Narrative and disjuncture- KP in a fantasy candy  world whilst singing about California, whilst Snoop initiates her route by throwing dice etc.
The wombats moving to new york

Genre Characteristics- Indie Rock/Pop Punk. Tempo's, chords and loud guitars mixed with pop melody, very diverse.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals? Yes. References to lack of sleep, lyrics tell a narrative, all merges.

Relationship between music and visuals? Yes. Music dictates the pace of editing, dances, facial expressions, body language etc. All seems to be very faced paced like the life style of living in New York- reference to name of the song etc.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs? Few CU's. When band is playing, CU's on lead singer throughout.

Reference to the notion of looking? Lead singer is easy on the eye but no direct reference to the notion of looking.

IS the video category amplification, disjuncture or illustration? Mainly amplification, lead singer is in the narrative telling/acting the story within the lyrics, whilst band are playing and shown throughout the video.

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