Sunday 10 July 2011

Analysing a music video

Example - Changed the way you kiss me

The third music video I chose to analyse is Example ‘Changed the way you kiss me’. I chose this because his target audience is similar to mine and I’ve also looked at him a lot for inspiration. The genre in this video was quite easy to specialise because there is a clear narrative to the video – therefore it fits under illustration. The narrative of the video is Example getting prepared to perform and then performing to a crowd. The main focus is on the artist Example – including a lot of close ups to emphasize who he is. There is then a lot of focus on the performance and how the crowd are reacting to him. 

At the time around when this song was released, as an artist he wasn’t widely recognised – yet people knew his music. The emphasis on him in this music video acts as marketing -to promote him as an artist so that people know who he is. I really like how he includes close ups of his crowd however it seems that this would be very difficult to create if I considered using this idea for my music video. One of the reasons he chose t have include a performance in his video could suggest that he’s trying to win over fans by ‘selling his performance’.
Aside from this there isn’t a clear visualization of the lyrics linking to the visuals, which makes it difficult for people to pick up what he’s singing – however this again acts as a marketing technique to make viewers replay the video so that they understand it more – increasing the views.
There is evidence of some amplification demonstrated in the video for example how the music links with the band visually performing instruments. On the other hand there’s also evidence of disjuncture as the lyrics don’t link with any of visualizations on screen – it’s just a simple narrative performance.
One thing I liked in the video that I would consider for mine is the black and white effect. It’s something that can come across very effective- and with further research I’ve considered using it with a split screen effect too. One of the reasons for Example wanting this effect could all be orientated around the idea of ‘selling his performance’. It helps create the atmosphere and feel of one of his performances – which in theory, encourages fans to buy tickets to see him live. He may have also used this effect to link with (what at the time) was his upcoming album ‘Playing in the shadows’ so there could have been an element of foreshadowing in this music video. I quite like the ‘what to expect’ effect too – which I may also consider creating in my music video. Another point is the whole video may be coming together to portray his character or how he wants to be seen. As an artist, I know that Example likes to get people bouncing in every performance so again the video is portraying his personality.

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