Sunday 27 November 2011

Editing our final video

During the filming process we had a number of problems confront us that were out of our control. These issues related to the limited time availability that our character chosen to play our artist had to film. It appeared that even with careful organisation; there were still last minute issues that forced us to have to rearrange filming, therefore postponing our chosen days to edit. With this, our final filming day then had to be a thursday (a day before the deadline). Evidently Katy and I were aware that this was very risky; however there was nothing that we could do about it, therefore we had to work around this. When it came to wednesday evening, we were again confronted with another big issue that our artist was no longer able to film thursday. Again, this was out of our control.
Already the editing process had begun as we had already filmed almost all of the lake shots and all of studio shots. This left the field shots, which consisted of about 100 shots - a big part of our video. However with the cancellation after cancellation we made the final decision to cut out the field location. When looking at the lake shots, there is that sense of a field location due to the surroundings, so even though we were no longer filming that location - it hasn't been completely took out our video. To overcome our problem, we had to use the shots we already had to 'fill in the gaps'.
When filming the other locations Katy and I took a fair few extra shots 'just in case' which evidently came in very handy! On top of this when editing I prolonged some of the shots instead of keeping that 'fast paced' quick shot theme throughout the whole video to make up for the lost location. Some of the shots had to be repeated which in turn, is a good thing to create the effect of recognition and impact to the audience. To ensure we pulled off the video well, we repeatedly listened to the song to match shots to the music in order to create the right effect. With this I brought in the idea of a 'dream' which the music style creates as there's a magical sound to it. This idea helped when editing some of the shots to be more longer and fitting them in with the music so that they complement each other. This also reflects some of the feedback we received. I.e. keeping that same expression at the beginning (quite quiet, subtle etc) and then changing it when the music becomes more up tempo. The idea of the longer dream shots fit in well with this and it then allowed me to create those contrasting faster shots when the music quickened.
Another issue we had to resolve was that most of the quick shots consisted of Eve saying one lyric in each one. With so many missing shots we had a limited number of shots of her lip syncing. Therefore we had to select certain shots of her lip syncing very carefully which meant that we left some other ones out in order for it to work, considering continuity, throughout the video.
Overall, I am very pleased with the turn out of the video. With having so many problems I felt the way that we over came still aloud us to bring in the effects we planned during the editing process.

Friday 18 November 2011

New Location

Katy and I have come to the decision to change our original 'seaside' location to another location we came across. The original idea was to film at the seaside as is reflects a key part of the song. However, with already having trouble with arranging a time to film - due to Eve working full time, we feel that going to the seaside would be too much of an inconvenience and it'll be a lot more difficult to film. We also have to consider that if the filming isn't right, we may have to travel back which would put upon a major problem for us all and could potentially ruin our video due to us not being able to deliver our best. Therefore we have come up with an alternate location. When looking for an alternate location for our draft, we came across a lake that looked perfect in terms of complimenting our song and also the relating to the sea with the ripples and reflections. Although it is a shame to have to abandon our original location idea it's a lot more ideal and sensible to go through with using this new location. We've also considered the positive feedback we had from this location from our first draft so overall we feel that it will definitely work. Above is a clip of the location, with putting it against the music it's clear that they do not contrast each other and do work with the overall effect portrayed. This location will give a similar feel/effect to the original location.

Filming the Final Studio Shots

On Wednesday night, me and Emma met up with Eve to film our final studio shots. We booked the room from 7-9 and then shot everything and even filmed someextras which we thought would come in handy if we didn't like some of the shots. The filming went really well and everything went to plan, luckily the camera didn't lose battery this time so we had time to film everything with time to spare. We also planned with Eve to get everything else filmed this sunday, depending on the weather. We are hoping to have similar weather to last time, but obviously it can't be guaranteed. I've looked on the weather forecast, and it is predicted to be cloudy, so hopefully it will stay dry and we will be able to film without any issues. Providing the weather is good, come sunday we will have finished filming, which means we start on the editing process- i feel we have left ourselves sufficient time to get everything done for the deadline on friday and we are very much looking forwards to seeing our final video and everyone else's opinions on it also.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Draft Video Feedback

  • The shot variety is good but they are too fleeting.
  • It's hard to discern whether Eve is supposed to be happy or sad.
  • Lip syncing is out in some clips.
  • 1:18 looks like a continuity error.
  • She looks slightly awkward in some clips.
Our draft music video had a lot of black screens in it due to the filming not being complete, therefore it was hard to judge whether to quick shots work or not. The quick shots was an effect Katy and I wanted to include in the music video as it's complements the fast paced music and adds to the idea of it being so fast that it encourages the viewer to watch it again. Tonight we have planned to film the rest of the studio shots which we will edit into our video in order to increase the amount of footage which will then make it a lot clearer to whether the quick shots work or not. Another point we are considering is the emotion and feelings being portrayed in the video through Eve's expression. We are planning to create positive and happier expressions when the music becomes more up tempo to help portray the further meaning of the song being about someone she is in love with. Therefore at the start (as seen in our draft) there won't be a mix of contrasting emotions next to each other and it'll work better with the song overall - emphasizing the impact of the chorus more. Further feedback we have received is:
  • Positive opening shots - well framed and setting works really well. Some good editing.
  • At the point 0.54 - be more theatrical/dramatic when throwing arms in the air - she looks uncomfortable (and is natural/at ease the rest of the time).
  • Consider other props/setting/male to add interest!
When we come to film the lake shots again we will redo some of them to ensure that Eve is in the right character and does look comfortable. There are not many lake shots left to film so it shouldn't take us long to make any additional changes/shots. Next to the lake there is also the ideal field and woodland that we now plan to use as the setting works well and looks good. Considering the advice about adding a male character in the video I feel is a really good idea to add the element of male interest - it'll also work to form a more structured and clear narrative as the semantics of the song is around love and her love for a certain man. If we were to bring this element into the video it'd consist of short flashbacks of them both together. However, currently Katy and I both feel that it's a lot more additional work to do at such a late stage. It would also be difficult to create that chemistry between the two people - especially when we're working straight into the final video.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Final Digipack

This is my final draft of my digipak, overall i'm really happy with the end result, and have taken in the constructive criticism i received and tried to improve it in as many areas as i could.

Magazine Advert

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Magazine Advert Development

Before handing in my final poster I made an improved draft from my first to help me develop my final draft. From doing this I've been able to further develop in order to achieve a high quality professional advert. On the 'before' advert I made the additional changes that I planned to do after I'd received the feedback on the first draft. I wanted to keep the same clothing in the advert, however chose to choose an image that comes across more stronger and dominant. In the first draft I felt that the lift of the skirt came across more fashion like rather than music. Therefore I've changed the image to a more forward and stronger pose - linking back to the how I wanted poses to appeal with Male Gaze through using Laura Mulvey's stronger poses. To add to the dance feel I've added a red tone to it which also cross links with the digipack bringing upon a repeated theme to the overall effect. I've also made the date bigger so the purpose of the advert is a lot more clearer and I've also used the rule of three for the reviews. I also switched the colour of the Animal and Eve T around as I felt that the orangery colour stood out a lot more than the gold colour. The gold colour works better with the Eve T writing due to it reflecting a platinum artist as a whole rather than just the single.
To further develop a professional advert I've redone the hair in order to achieve that glamorous, admirable look that appeals to fans. I feel that this change is better complimenting the make up and clothing in order to overall create that 'model like' look that people would aspire to be like. It also adds to making the artist more established. I've also changed the reviews to higher ones to sell the artist and I've also included my co-working record company logos in the bottom right. Additional changes I've made is the website; making it smaller and positioning it in the right hand corner so that it isn't on the artist's legs, however I've kept the iTunes logo in the same position to keep the rounded layout on the page.

Development of Draft Music Video

Sunday 6 November 2011

Feedback on DigiPack and Magazine Advert

Above is the feedback I received from my digipack and magazine advert. After speaking about it with my teachers I've come up with a list of improvements to get my marks up. Overall I felt my magazine advert was too toward a fashion advert due to the style of pose and the lift of the skirt. The size of the website and date were not the suited sizes and the individual letters had different spaces between them. My improvements for the Magazine advert are:
  • Change picture to a more stronger pose to correspond more with the DigiPack - Photo shop the wall lines out.
  • Save the font from the website '' and open it up in photo shop. This will enable me to edit the space between the letters using the grid guidance to ensure the space is equal.
  • Re-position the iTunes advert?
  • Add the record company logo to the advert.
  • Make the date of release bigger and the website smaller.
  • Change the nme ratings to /10 rather than stars.
  • Use the rule of three for the reviews.
As for my DigiPack I felt that the repetition of the images didn't work well - and that the theme of red should be carried throughout the whole digipack. My improvements for the DigiPack are:
  • Continue the red theme on cover inside/back inside - Add onto the lyrics on the cover inside in a neat square format.
  • CD slot was previously in the centre - However I'm now moving this to the left cover - keeping the same image.
  • Change the fonts on the track list to the same as the front cover.
  • Photo shop the lines out of the images to add professionalism.

Friday 4 November 2011


Today me and Emma had organised to film with Eve, but due to Eve cancelling on us
we had to cancel and reschedule to next week, which has put us back yet another week before the filming is finished. We are organising next week to meet up with Eve and get it all finished, also, another photoshoot is needed as i need to get some better pictures for my digipack.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Filming the final shots...

Tomorrow me and Emma are meeting with Eve to film our final shots, which include the final location (the field) and the last remaining few of the sea side location. By tomorrow we aim to get all of our shots filmed, and not have the problem of running out of battery like we did last week. We will be filming the field shots in Carton Park in Narborough, (the same as the sea side shots) as we found a field which was perfect for what we wanted. Tomorrow we are due good weather, and i am hoping it will be similar to the weather we had last week, as the lighting was perfect and the shots we filmed looked really good. We're putting Eve in yet another different outift for tomorrow, as we can't have her wearing the same as what she is in the other locations. We're also hoping to get the rest of the studio shots filmed as soon as possible, as the ones we have at the moment are just short clips which correspond with the music, and none are actual shots with Eve singing which we need for the video. I also need to organise another photoshoot with Eve to get some more pictures to use for the digipack, so i will be getting in touch with her as soon as to organise this.