Sunday 27 November 2011

Editing our final video

During the filming process we had a number of problems confront us that were out of our control. These issues related to the limited time availability that our character chosen to play our artist had to film. It appeared that even with careful organisation; there were still last minute issues that forced us to have to rearrange filming, therefore postponing our chosen days to edit. With this, our final filming day then had to be a thursday (a day before the deadline). Evidently Katy and I were aware that this was very risky; however there was nothing that we could do about it, therefore we had to work around this. When it came to wednesday evening, we were again confronted with another big issue that our artist was no longer able to film thursday. Again, this was out of our control.
Already the editing process had begun as we had already filmed almost all of the lake shots and all of studio shots. This left the field shots, which consisted of about 100 shots - a big part of our video. However with the cancellation after cancellation we made the final decision to cut out the field location. When looking at the lake shots, there is that sense of a field location due to the surroundings, so even though we were no longer filming that location - it hasn't been completely took out our video. To overcome our problem, we had to use the shots we already had to 'fill in the gaps'.
When filming the other locations Katy and I took a fair few extra shots 'just in case' which evidently came in very handy! On top of this when editing I prolonged some of the shots instead of keeping that 'fast paced' quick shot theme throughout the whole video to make up for the lost location. Some of the shots had to be repeated which in turn, is a good thing to create the effect of recognition and impact to the audience. To ensure we pulled off the video well, we repeatedly listened to the song to match shots to the music in order to create the right effect. With this I brought in the idea of a 'dream' which the music style creates as there's a magical sound to it. This idea helped when editing some of the shots to be more longer and fitting them in with the music so that they complement each other. This also reflects some of the feedback we received. I.e. keeping that same expression at the beginning (quite quiet, subtle etc) and then changing it when the music becomes more up tempo. The idea of the longer dream shots fit in well with this and it then allowed me to create those contrasting faster shots when the music quickened.
Another issue we had to resolve was that most of the quick shots consisted of Eve saying one lyric in each one. With so many missing shots we had a limited number of shots of her lip syncing. Therefore we had to select certain shots of her lip syncing very carefully which meant that we left some other ones out in order for it to work, considering continuity, throughout the video.
Overall, I am very pleased with the turn out of the video. With having so many problems I felt the way that we over came still aloud us to bring in the effects we planned during the editing process.

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