Wednesday 9 November 2011

Magazine Advert Development

Before handing in my final poster I made an improved draft from my first to help me develop my final draft. From doing this I've been able to further develop in order to achieve a high quality professional advert. On the 'before' advert I made the additional changes that I planned to do after I'd received the feedback on the first draft. I wanted to keep the same clothing in the advert, however chose to choose an image that comes across more stronger and dominant. In the first draft I felt that the lift of the skirt came across more fashion like rather than music. Therefore I've changed the image to a more forward and stronger pose - linking back to the how I wanted poses to appeal with Male Gaze through using Laura Mulvey's stronger poses. To add to the dance feel I've added a red tone to it which also cross links with the digipack bringing upon a repeated theme to the overall effect. I've also made the date bigger so the purpose of the advert is a lot more clearer and I've also used the rule of three for the reviews. I also switched the colour of the Animal and Eve T around as I felt that the orangery colour stood out a lot more than the gold colour. The gold colour works better with the Eve T writing due to it reflecting a platinum artist as a whole rather than just the single.
To further develop a professional advert I've redone the hair in order to achieve that glamorous, admirable look that appeals to fans. I feel that this change is better complimenting the make up and clothing in order to overall create that 'model like' look that people would aspire to be like. It also adds to making the artist more established. I've also changed the reviews to higher ones to sell the artist and I've also included my co-working record company logos in the bottom right. Additional changes I've made is the website; making it smaller and positioning it in the right hand corner so that it isn't on the artist's legs, however I've kept the iTunes logo in the same position to keep the rounded layout on the page.

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