Wednesday 16 November 2011

Draft Video Feedback

  • The shot variety is good but they are too fleeting.
  • It's hard to discern whether Eve is supposed to be happy or sad.
  • Lip syncing is out in some clips.
  • 1:18 looks like a continuity error.
  • She looks slightly awkward in some clips.
Our draft music video had a lot of black screens in it due to the filming not being complete, therefore it was hard to judge whether to quick shots work or not. The quick shots was an effect Katy and I wanted to include in the music video as it's complements the fast paced music and adds to the idea of it being so fast that it encourages the viewer to watch it again. Tonight we have planned to film the rest of the studio shots which we will edit into our video in order to increase the amount of footage which will then make it a lot clearer to whether the quick shots work or not. Another point we are considering is the emotion and feelings being portrayed in the video through Eve's expression. We are planning to create positive and happier expressions when the music becomes more up tempo to help portray the further meaning of the song being about someone she is in love with. Therefore at the start (as seen in our draft) there won't be a mix of contrasting emotions next to each other and it'll work better with the song overall - emphasizing the impact of the chorus more. Further feedback we have received is:
  • Positive opening shots - well framed and setting works really well. Some good editing.
  • At the point 0.54 - be more theatrical/dramatic when throwing arms in the air - she looks uncomfortable (and is natural/at ease the rest of the time).
  • Consider other props/setting/male to add interest!
When we come to film the lake shots again we will redo some of them to ensure that Eve is in the right character and does look comfortable. There are not many lake shots left to film so it shouldn't take us long to make any additional changes/shots. Next to the lake there is also the ideal field and woodland that we now plan to use as the setting works well and looks good. Considering the advice about adding a male character in the video I feel is a really good idea to add the element of male interest - it'll also work to form a more structured and clear narrative as the semantics of the song is around love and her love for a certain man. If we were to bring this element into the video it'd consist of short flashbacks of them both together. However, currently Katy and I both feel that it's a lot more additional work to do at such a late stage. It would also be difficult to create that chemistry between the two people - especially when we're working straight into the final video.

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