Tuesday 27 September 2011

Applying Theorist's to our Video...

In today's music industry, you rarely see an unattractive female artist/girl band. For example, The Saturday's, Cheryl Cole, Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Beyoncé etc. they are all attractive, even to women! Alot of music video's you see on music channels, on the internet, and advertisements on the TV conform perfectly to theorists which have researched into a thing called 'The Male Gaze', where women (or men) are used for visual pleasure and are objectified as something for the audience to look or 'gaze' at. Music video's are the perfect example as to how the male gaze is used in order to pull the audience in and grab their attention, Rihanna's 'Rudeboy' video is one which comes to mind instantly, as is has a sexual context and i analysed it in AS, the camera frequently focuses on specific parts of her body such as her bum, or boobs and use slow paced editing and shots which create the prospect of a male's gaze, and the parts of a woman's body that men tend to look at.

 In some cases, for example, again, music videos, there is alot of eye contact with the camera and body language which suggests the female artist is in control and is an intimidating character in their video, which i think fits perfectly with our song choice for our music video, Ellie Goulding's, 'Animal', the title indicates a sense of domination and the fact she is referring to herself as an animal. Our artist Eve T, is portrayed differently this year rather than previously in AS, she is back with a glamorous, rockier style and has a new attitude which will be made obvious in the video, the video will contain lots of close-ups and eye contact, and elements of the male gaze, as Eve is very pretty and will come across to males as very attractive, the use of direct address and the look of the camera i think will come across as very effective in the video as Eve is referring to herself as an animal, which could very much so come across as intimidating to males. Trevor Millium produced a theory which he used when analysing magazines, but i think some of the gazes can be used in the context of a video aswell, such as attention directed  towards the reader/audience and attention directed towards others. 

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