Monday 12 September 2011


This is the pitch for the idea's developed so far. By presenting it on Animoto, we're able to show photo's alongside with what we have scripted (post above). The pitch consists of images, music, inspirations, and all the idea's simplified into one presentation. As I already mentioned, we have also created a script so we can present, talk about, and show our idea's in order to receive the best possible feedback. 


  1. Hanna, Samrita and Paige14 September 2011 at 02:42

    We love how your carrying on your AS work and developing. We think its good how youve gone into so much depth especially the locations.

  2. I think developing the artist from the AS magazine coursework is a really good idea as your artist already has a style. Something that you could be more sure on is the location, for example whether you are set on an interior location or outdoors or even a mixture of both! :)

  3. Like the others, I think that you're carrying on from AS is a really cool idea. Your pitch is full of information! It's good to know what you're doing in detail so we can get a good idea of what your plan is in our heads, and it looks good, suitable for your audience!

  4. I like how they have got a lot of ideas for the location, so they always have a location to fall back on just in case something goes wrong. But I do think doing it by the sea will be a lot of hard work and unreliable because of British weather.

  5. Nice idea to take the band from your AS work and work further on that, it was a nice pitch.
