Thursday 29 September 2011

The beginning of a music video...

As we've now reached the point where we're now putting together our storyboard I began questioning how to actually, effectively, begin a video. It's vital that it doesn't come across false, tacky, and it must be attractive and remember-able. So to avoid this, I've had a look at some other videos.
All three that I've looked are very different from my artist and genre however I love the beginnings of them. Why? Because they're enticing. Further through the video I have also picked up on some of the effects they have included which I feel would work within our music video. It's helped me to realise what kind of beginning is remember-able and why that is, however, a lot of this is linked with the music and in all fairness- the intoduction to our song isn't very 'dramatic' so we have to choose a beginning shot that would flow with our music. However to create that dramatic effect I feel that we will be able to use a variety of quick shots at the beginning, which will be a continuous effect throughout our video due to the music being a quickened pace. Using this quick editing will encourage people to watch the video again so that they feel they have actually seen everything.

The first video is Madonna 'Vogue'. Aside from the music I really like the stillness of the beginning and the fade in of some of the shots. I also liked how they kept showing short shots/glimpses of the artist to create that 'upcoming' effect. As Eve is the only person in my video it'll be difficult to not put a lot of shots in of her at the beginning because there isn't that variety of people. However if I do a lot of quick shots of her it still creates that upcoming effect because you aren't looking at her in long period lengths. Also in the video it creates the attractiveness to the eye through this upcoming effect as it's making you want to see her. It's also in a way - using male gaze to create that seductive look which demostrates a way of marketing the video.

The second music video of Lady Gaga is one of my favourites out of her videos. I again love the upcoming effect, it's dramatic, seductive, and mysterious. The jerky editing is also something that works well with drawing in the attention and I would like to use that in my music video too - especially when the pace quickens and there's jumps in the music and singing. However I don't think it will work well as the introduction as our song has more of a musical flow to it rather than lots of beats to work with.

The final video I chose to look at fits with my music - whereas the two above are contrasting our music style. I thought I'd look at this video to get a generalisation of what works with my style of music. It includes close ups of the artist and long shots of external settings. There is also use of panning which me and Katy have chosen to develop into our music video where the tempo of the music and the speed of it changes.
In one prospect Emeli's video fits with my external locations and I could use techniques of speeding up the shots of outside to fit with the speed of our music.  This is something I may consider when filming by the sea. Furthermore it seems evident that I could use a shot of the sea as an opening. However personally I feel that it'll look to false so we think beginning the video with a close up which then leads to long shots - introducing the locations and artist. Then on top of this we hope to add effects such as jerking, lights, faded close up shots  to work with each of our shots. 

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