Thursday 15 September 2011

Evaluating feedback

‘We love how your carrying on your AS work and developing. We think its good how you’ve gone into so much depth especially the locations.’
‘I think developing the artist from the AS magazine coursework is a really good idea as your artist already has a style. Something that you could be more sure on is the location, for example whether you are set on an interior location or outdoors or even a mixture of both! :)’
Both comments are positive which we’re really pleased about as we included as much information that we could think of in our pitch. The second comment is something we’ve been discussing about. So far our ideas are three locations: the sea, in a field, and in a studio. The sea location, we felt, fit perfectly with the music however when showing the pitch people found it quite shocking as it’s such a hard location to get perfect. As we are a good two hours away from the seaside, we are not guaranteed that the weather and wind on the day we choose to go will be in our favour. Obviously we’re looking at weather forecasts and plan to film by the sea ASAP before the winter weather kicks in. However we’re looking into alternatives i.e. by a lake or maybe even cut out that location idea. Even so, we really will do our best to ensure that we can still use that location – however back up plans are more than necessary to come up with.

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