Friday 28 October 2011

26th October, Emma's 18th Birthday and Filming!

Today we filmed most of the shots for the draft of our music video at our sea side location. As we couldn't get to the sea side, we decided just for the draft to go and film at Abbey Park, but, as it wasn't a convenient location to get to, we stayed local and ended up with two local locations to choose from. One being Enderby's Jubilee Park, and the other being Carlton Park in Narborough. We chose Carlton Park as we knew there were some good locations to shoot, we ended up finding a tranquil lake surrounded by woodland, the weather was perfect and the shadowing from the woodland made perfect lighting for the shots also. Whilst setting up, we had a phone call from Eve telling us she'd been dropped off, but didn't know where she was. This resulted in Katy running round Carlton Park (which is a massive place!) for about 10 minutes before eventually finding her, it turned out she was in seeing distance from where we were set up but obviously we couldn't see her. When she arrived, we did her hair and make up, to a standard which was recognizable from the camera and started filming, we were just over half way through with filming the shots when we noticed the battery on the camera was running low, we decided to carry on with the filming and towards the end, unfortunately the battery just completely died, however, we got most of the shots we needed and couldn't have wished for more perfect weather, so we packed up and went home as we were all freezing! Here are a few of the location and setting up shots we took...

The lake we filmed at was perfect for what we wanted to achieve from the draft, the weather was lovely and the sun was shining onto the lake so you could see the ripples in the water, we wanted this effect for our draft so we could get a realism of how the waves would potentially look when we came to our final draft of the video.

We filmed at this angle for quite a few of the shots as the lighting was perfect, the surroundings create a really tranquil feel about the location which we think fits well into some parts of the song.

Emma on the phone to Eve, we were just getting set up when we had the phone call! 

Katy setting up the tripod, this shows how close we were to the water! We were so cautious of knocking it into the lake, but thankfully neither of us did.

Emma setting up the tripod, here you get an indication of the surroundings, she looks very happy on her birthday!

Katy helping Eve get ready for the filming, it was freezing and this is what Eve wore for nearly 3 hours. However the weather was perfect for filming so it was a necessary sacrifice for our artist to be a little bit cold.

Eve in her outfit for the filming, we put her in floaty styled outfit as we thought the effect of the wind would look really good and relate to the tranquility of some elements of the song.

Eve preparing herself and taking a look at the 213 shot storyboard, we showed her which angles/shots we would be doing today and some of the poses and stances we wanted her in.

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