Sunday 23 October 2011

Filming Schedule

Unfortunately our plan to film this half term hasn't turned out the way we had hoped. On Tuesday 18th we planned to film the studio location shots, however our room that we wanted to use (that we also used for the photo shoot) was unavaliable to use that night. With our artist, Eve working full time it's difficult to organise days to film. Therefore for the first draft we're making changes to one location in order to complete a first draft. As the Sea location is difficult to organise, we've substitued this idea for the first draft and decided to use somewhere more local and convieniant in order to get a real idea of the kind/quality of the shots. Our substiutue location is Abbey Park in Leicester. Our new schedule for filming is: 

Monday: Studio shots filmed. Room booked 6:30-7:30
Wednesday: Abbey Park to be filming along with the field location shots. The weather is so far looking hopeful and the wind is also something that will help to adding the effect to our music video!

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