Wednesday 12 October 2011

CD Cover Analysis

The second CD cover i'm analysing is Daniel Merriweather's 'Love and War'. The use of image in this cover presents a sort of typical streetwise representation, with Merriweather walking through urban surroundings and looking like he's putting his hood up. There isn't any use of direct address in the cover,  i like the fact he's looking infront of him down towards to ground, giving the impression he wants to keep himself to himself, the background i think works really well as it doesn't conform to your stereotypical cover background, and it looks interesting. The colour scheme is pretty simple, with the neutral colours of the image and the predominant black and white text which is situated at the top of the cover, the font used is quite interesting, i like the fact that the name of the artist and the name of the album are in different colours and have contrasting backgrounds. The overall layout and effectiveness of the cover is simple yet effective, there is only one image, which is very basic, but the text used isn't very subtle and adds some contrast to the cover.

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