Sunday 9 October 2011

CD Cover Analysis & Mock Ups

With developing and producing ideas for the CD cover I started to create mock ups with photo's from the photo shoot. With these, I added effects and fonts to get a generalisation of what images fit and work well as a CD cover - therefore helping me to narrow down the 300+ photo's Katy and I had taken when we conducted a photo shoot. 

Before hand, I'd already come up with some idea's of editing and the style of the cover when conducting primary research. However when creating these new CD mock ups I furthered my inspiration by looking at albums I had myself to get ideas. This helped me to understand what effects (by using photo shop) work well producing a professional looking CD cover. With this I tried to create that 'hip hop/dance' style about it- this referring to the font, layout and colour pallet. Furthering from this I then looked into a variety of albums from a broad variety of music genre's- which I got from an on line music magazine review. When creating my Digi pac I have to ensure that I keep that professional convention in order for it to look real and publishable - Therefore my next approach was to apply elements from the CD cover's I'd researched (in some ways I tried to directly copy) into creating my CD cover. This involved using similar photo poses, the same colours, layout - which all constructed my final results. 

What I hope to achieve from doing this is..because I've chosen a wide variety of contrasting CD's - by getting ideas from each of them I've given myself a lot more choices towards what I can do with mine etc, rather than simply adding writing to a photo. Below you'll see I've put the initial idea next to my constructed idea from that. What is noticeable is how clearly I've used that CD cover for inspiration. Note these are only mock ups and are far from my finalised idea. I'm going to conduct further research into a digi pac, identifying it's key features and what I need to include within mine. One thing I have in mind is that in my digi pac, it will include more than one photo of Eve, therefore after identifying key features I can then see what pictures work well with each other, i.e. which ones compliment each other, portray Eve in the correct way and also advertise the digi pac well and in an established manner. 

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