Monday 24 October 2011

Another problem...

We have encountered yet another problem tonight when coming to film. We were only allowed to use the studio for an hour and our artist Eve struggled with time management to make it on time – therefore we postponed tonight’s filming. However last minute – just before I rang up to cancel our booking, we all were able to meet at the studio at half six, the time we had originally booked it for! With it being last minute we only had 10 minutes to get the equipment, dress out artist and meet there – which we did!
Due to only having little time, we decided to take shorter shots rather than focus on getting every single studio shot. These tester shots gave us a practice with the camera to ensure there were no problems or issues with the camera (which there were, however they were quickly resolved!). They will be uploaded on the blog shortly after editing. Along with this we took a number of close up shots, some with lip syncing, some without as a basis for our first draft. A majority of our studio shots are close ups and corresponding with the music they will only be on screen for short seconds as the music is so fast paced – therefore for the first draft we could use the same shots repeatedly just to get a generalisation of the overall effect. After editing, with these developed shots, we can add them into the video and see if it fits in with the pace of the music. With the final video I plan to take different shots for each close up so that I can change the expression in each shot to portray meaning and links with the individual lyrics. I feel that with constantly repeating the same shots is not only a short way round, but also downgrades the professionalism of the video and is also cutting out a major way to express meaning through the video to the audience - therefore not creating that desired audience reaction. The quality of the shots we took tonight turned out well on the camera along with the lighting used and also the additional prop of a fan being used. Our next day to film will be Wednesday which is the final day that all filming will hopefully be done.

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